Trinity Men
The mission of Trinity Men is to glorify God, equip ourselves to grow in godliness, lead our families both spiritually and scripturally, proclaim the gospel to our communities, and disciple others. Trinity men seek to be Spirit-filled men,
marked by godliness, who relentlessly pursue the glory of God and the good of others.
The Bible tells us that men do not grow in isolation. It also shows us that male passivity and indifference to the things of God are common in our fallen world. Godly men need each other to keep sharp, to keep encouraged, and to keep maturing in the roles God has placed us. To this end, we regularly hold gatherings for men to grow together in godliness.
Our desire is to foster a community of discipleship, where men are regularly meeting and helping each other grow
into spiritual maturity.
On the second and last Saturdays of every month, our church gathers together to study.
On the second Saturday of the month, we meet and discuss a chapter in Pilgrim’s Progress. This study is an amazing discussion into the classic allegorical work of the Christian life. The book we are using can be purchased here.
On the LAST Saturday of the month, we meet together to discuss key biblical doctrines. We are working through Millard J. Erickson’s text, Introducing Christian Doctrines (3rd Edition). The book can be purchased here.This study is a bit more in-depth, and it is a wonderful time to grow together in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We encourage impromptu gatherings. These may be posted in our men’s signal chat or via email.
The purpose is to foster friendship and Christian camaraderie among the men and guests at Trinity.
We encourage our men to gather as we are able, and that we may be strengthened and encouraged in the Lord.